PENTAGON 2000SQL is a highly invested software that meets the stringent ERP demands of the commercial and military sectors.
PENTAGON 2000SQL is a highly invested software that meets the stringent ERP demands of the commercial and military sectors.
Within the aerospace and defense industries, PENTAGON 2000SQL™ is the de-facto standard for off-the-shelf materials management software. It comes with a wide range of industry-specific modules.
This allows for the provision of specialized workflows per industry. It enables responsiveness where it counts and maintains the highest quality standards.
Complete System
PENTAGON 2000SQL handles all materials management, manufacturing, MRP, supply chain management, traceability, maintenance, quality assurance and complex business functions.
The software supports outside repairs, exchanges, consigned inventory and lot purchases. The system interfaces with leading third-party networks and services such as ILS, PartsBase SPEC2000 and AeroXchange.
Every Kind of MRO
The system supports MROs with multiple types of work orders. The common functionality of all software modules allow staff to exploit the system's powerful resource planning capabilities and adopt industry-best-practices.
Flight Operations
Special modules provide a vast array of capabilities for effective fleet utilization and planning. These include efficient tools to ensure full compliance with strict procedures and regulatory mandates. The system is customizable by country and language.
Enterprise Accounting
PENTAGON 2000SQL applies its fully integrated ERP tools to record the complete set of accounting and financial operations data. Financial managers can easily track costs and expenses while preparing clear financial statements and operational reports.
Mobile Applications
We provide a wide variety of mobile applications for tablets and phone-sized devices. The system architecture allows users to scale-up conveniently and inexpensively from small work groups to enterprise class data center operations.
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